To view any photograph, simply click on the reference number in the left hand column and the photo will open in a separate window.
WI0301 |
Gordon Pyne, Cedric Tudball, Harry Kelly, Norman Chapple, John Leach, Eric Manley, Les Pyne, Roy Manley at Chapner.
WI0302 |
Gordon Pyne, Hilary Jones, Francis Kelland.
WI0303 |
The Reeds outside the Hare and Hounds. The youngest is Cecil, Vernon is on the right, Basil on the left and Florrie at the back. |
WI0304 |
Marion Rice in the 1920s in the pram made by her father, Jack Rice, who was carpenter, wheelwright, postman and lamplighter
WI0305 |
1928. Eliza Margaret Rice, working at Middlewick. She was born in 1911 at Ebringtons Row. She recalled the time when a Tiger Moth landed
in the field by Middlewick. She married Arthur Bryant.
WI0306 |
Betty Rolle and Enid Grant.
WI0307 |
1914. The two families of George Henry Selley. Left to right: Fred, Stanley, Bert and Francis, Stephen, Emily and George (parents), Sidney,
Constance, Vera. All six boys served in the 1914/18 war. Picture taken at Cannington House.
WI0308 |
Eric and Stanley Selley and Michael Cutcliffe at the back of Cannington House, West Street.
WI0309 |
About 1895. Mrs Emily Selley (second wife of George Selley, Cannington House) and her four stepsons, Herbert, Stanley, Francis and Fred.
WI0310 |
The wedding of Leonard Beedel and Vera Selley (late 1920s) taken outside Fern Cottage. Left to right Gwyneth Selley, ? , Constance Selley,
Leonard Beedell, Vera Selley.
WI0311 |
1934. Christening of Thelma Selley. Back L to R: Isaac Kerslake, Mrs Kerslake holding Thelma, Mary Selley, Stephen Selley. Front L to R:
Eric, Rita, Freda, and Stanley Selley.
WI0312 |
Ann Selley, born 1824, died 1900.Fredas Great Grandmother. Emily Anns mother. South Molton.
WI0313 |
Ralph and Evelyn Tarr
WI0314 |
Mrs Bill Thomas
WI0315 |
Sarah Trawin before leaving England in 1911. Sarah Trawin went to Canada. At the start of the century (20th), the Trawin family were
living at 19, The Square. Previously they had been at Leigh House and at Lashbrookes. They were in the wool trade, and some remember
Trawins Linhay beside the main road on the village side of New Bridge, where they stored their wool. They came from a wool family in
South Molton, which in 1861 included a wool agent, two woolcombers, two wool sorters and two wool weavers. Sarah Trawin was born in 1885
and attended Witheridge British School (Top School, Chapel School) from 1892 to 1900, when she became a
Monitoress. Later she completed
her four years as a pupil teacher and was then appointed an uncertificated teacher. In 1904, like other schools, the school received a
wall map of Canada from the Canadian High Commissioner for Emigration. This may have been the spur that took Sarah's older brother, Frank,
to Canada in 1906, where he farmed. In 1911, Sarah, her sister Annie and their young brother Arthur (he was 15) decided to emigrate and
join Frank. The school was sad to see Sarah go, and on her last day she was presented with a handbag, a dressing case and an album
containing views of Witheridge and a list of subscribers. Her brother Arthurs descendants still have the album. Annie returned to England
and Witheridge) fairly soon, and in 1924, Frank came back to take over the family wool business. Arthur returned briefly, once, in the
course of his service in the Canadian forces in the last year of the war, 1918. Annie lived at Leigh House in the 1930s, and is still
remembered in Witheridge. It is Arthurs descendants who, in 1995, made contact and asked for information on their family and where they
lived in Witheridge.
WI0316 |
Sarah (Sally) (Trawin) Whitome.
WI0317 |
Sarah Trawins brother Frank in Canadian Army uniform.
WI0318 |
Annie (Nancy) Trawin (1883/1964).
WI0319 |
Arthur Trawin (Oct 17th 1895 to Nov 4th 1976), son of Henry and Sarah.
WI0320 |
Sarah Trawins sister Ella, who joined her brothers and sisters in Saskatchewan in 1912.
WI0321 |
1925.The Trawins outside their home, Leigh House, The Square. Left to right; Harry, Annie, Ella, Sarah (Henry Tapp Trawins widow).
The car is Frank Trawins Bullnose Morris Tourer.
WI0322 |
Cedric Tudballs Tree.
WI0323 |
1950s. Ivan Vanstone and Bolster outside Bow Cottage.
WI0324 |
Bill and Olive Vernon.
WI0325 |
Samuel James Way, Left, and his brother in law, Reuben.
WI0326 |
1914/1918 War. Samuel James Way, Devon Yeomanry.

WI0327 |
Samuel J. Way and Tinker at the back of his workshop.
WI0328 |
Samuel and Sarah Way, outside The Old Vicarage.
WI0329 |
Betty Ways Grandfather in North Street, Ways Field on left.
WI0330 |
Betty Way and Alan Vernon.
WI0331 |
Betty Way and Swannie (Lance Corporal Swan).
WI0332 |
Jack Carnachan, Mrs G. Rodd, Mrs Betty Alleyne at Thelbridge Inn in September 2000.
WI0333 |
Eileen Southcott, Joanna Malseed, Betty Way.
WI0334 |
Betty Way with her father and grandfather.
WI0335 |
James Ways 2nd wife, Sarah Jane, Betty Alleyne's step grandmother.
WI0336 |
Samuel Way, father of Betty Alleyne, at the back of Ebringtons Row.
WI0337 |
Andy Mitchell and Ways pony outside Ways house, The Square.
WI0338 |
On right Irene Way, her god daughter, Denise.
WI0339 |
Anne Dryer holding 'Topsy'. Margaret Baker on board, Betty Way looking over horses mane, Andy Mitchell on windowsill at 10 The Square.
WI0340 |
Mr and Mrs Sam Way and Betty.
WI0341 |
Plovers Barrows, West Street. Screen.
WI0342 |
Plovers Barrows. Probably Witheridge's oldest house dating from the 16th Century.
WI0343 |
From the 1840 Tithe Map.
WI0344 |
The Black Dog pub in the square was old in 1850, and no attempts were made to match the then modern Angel Hotel. One Witheridge resident
remembered that in the early days of the 20th century, it was a rough cider pub, with low ceilings inside and dark as a dungeon. Each
round was a two-quart jug of cider per man. The interior consisted of a big kitchen with several settles. The beer and cider were drawn
out the back. The last landlord, Mr Ephraim Clark, allowed roadsters (as tramps were called) to spend the night in the attic, but made
sure they handed over their cigarettes and matches before they went up, for fear of fire. The pub closed at the end of the 1914/18 war,
failing to get its licence renewed because the Police objected that there were too many bolt holes to watch.
WI0345 |
The Square 1890s. The children are from the British School which had no playground.
WI0346 |
Witheridge butchers, taken at the back of Cannington House in the 1880s. On the right stands Mr George Henry Selley, who took over the
butchers business at Cannington House in the 1880s. Beside him is his first wife Edith May Selley (1867 to 1891) who had had five children
at the time of her death aged 24 years. Mr Selley (1864-1940) married again and his second wife also bore five children. Also present is
Mr Ernest Hill (slaughterer), and Mr Wreford of Bradford.
WI0347 |
This is our earliest photograph, taken in 1886. The thatched houses on the far side were burned down in February 1886. They were occupied
by Mr J Churchill: saddler, Mr J Dinner: wheelwright, Mr W Way: carpenter, Mr H Trawin: wool merchant.
WI0348 |
The Square about 1900, with oil lamps and cobbled pavement.
WI0349 |
Trafalgar Square, Witheridge circa 1900.
WI0350 |
This is a copy of a watercolour painting of Witheridge Square before 1911. The original belongs to Mrs Judy Roake of Victoria, Australia.
It was the property of her grandmother, Ellen Edith Gard, who was born in Witheridge on May 8th 1886. On the 14th January, 1911, Ellen
and her sister Alice and Alice's husband, Albert Green, set sail on the Wilcannia for Australia. The painting has been in Australia ever
since. Judy Roake has asked that this note be attached to the print as she says I would like to think that my Grandmas name was remembered
in her home village. I know she loved Witheridge, she was always proud that she came from there.