The reason for identifying the Odeton of Kirby's Quest with the land of two thanes added at Domesday is that there is no other suitable
equivalent in Domesday for Wodington and Henceford; and also they like Witheridge were held through the heirs of William Brewer of the
Honour of Plympton. Reichel's identification of Odeton with the Domesday Welisedinga will not do because early spelling of Wilson in the
north-east of the parish are Wylshething (1440, Bp'Lacys' reg.) and Wilshadinge (1565-6 Cary Deeds, D.A.T. XXXIII). And also Wilchedding
(1619 Welch colln. Family deeds.).
1036 And to this manor (Wiriga) has been added the land of two thanes who held in parage, and it paid geld in three ferlings, and upon
it also three villeins are settled paying five shillings a year to the aforementioned manor.
Three villeins would require at least three homes. Where to find the third? Old Hele's Tenement now ruinous is part of the modern
Woodington. The windmill site is now reabsorbed into Woodington. Berrycleave and Little Newhouse are now distinct but adjacent small
1243 Walter Herewy, Roger and Hugh de Odeton hold in Odeton 1/8 fee of Robert de Horton, and Robert of the heirs of William Brewer ex
parte Reginald Mohun of the honour of Plympton.
1276 Thomas de Horton holds Odeton and Hegsteford for 1/8 fee of the heirs of John de Moun and the same heirs of the Countess of
Albamara, and the said countess of the king.
1302 Oddeton held by John Tracy and his fellows 1/2 fee for the honour of Plympton.
1303 John Troth and his fellows hold in Oddeton 1/2 fee.
1316 Robert de Horton ¼ fee in Wodeton of the honour of Plympton.
1330 I.P.M. of John de Mohun, 20 Nov. 4 Ed 881. Odeton, 1/6 fee held by the heirs of Robert de Horton.
1346 Robert Poleyn holds 1/8 fee of Plympton which John Troth (rectius Tracy) and his fellows used to hold.
1397 Wodeton, Heynstford as well as Uppecote are all included in a Patent Roll (June 28, 1397) grant to John Hankford and Joan his wife.
1086 Exeter Domesday: The Bishop (of Coutances) has a manor called Coma, which Brongar held on which King Edward was alive and dead, and
it rendered geld for one virgate. This can be ploughed by one plough. And Drogo holds this of the Bishop. Of it he was one plough and he
has there one serf, and ten head of cattle, and eight swine, and thirty sheep, and two acres of coppice, and three acres of meadow; and
it was worth yearly five shillings; and when the bishop received it, it was worth three shillings.
1243 William Mouncell 1/6 fee Comb Mouncell of Henry Tracy of Honour of Barnstaple (T. de N. Harl. Me. 4278).
1276 William de Monteaus holds Combe Monteaus for 1/6 knight's fee of Geoffrey de Camvill, and the same Geoffrey of the King (D.A.T. XXX, 408).
1302 Aleric le Marchant (D.A.T. XXX, 406).
1302 Nicholas le Marchant (D.A.T. XXXI 416)
1303 Robert le Marchant (95/3 Lay Subsidied Aid). Some confusion of Christian name.
1316 Nicholas Marchant, (Harl. Ms. 4278, Brit. Mus.).
1326 Share of Phillip de Columbariis and Elenor his wife, sister and co-heiress of William son of William Martin. 1/6 fee in Combe
Monceaux which the heirs of Nicholas Marchant holds of the yearly value of 40/-.
1637 Inq. P.M. on Chas Cutcliffe includes 3 messuages, gardens and orchards, 60 acres of land, 10 of meadow, 60 of pasture, 4 of wood,
and 40 of down etc. called Comb Manceaux; also Heiffers and Myncham Bradford in Witheridge.
1682 Edw. Bodley and John Warren pay 11½d, each for a church rate of the two moieties of Combe.
1728 John Cutcliffe, grandson of Chas. (above) granted a lease for lives to George Bodley of Witheridge in consideration of a surrender
made of one lease heretofore granted of a moiety of Combe als. Combmanceaux; and the lease covenanted to appear and do suit to all the
courts of the said John Cutcliffe to be helden and kept in and for the manor of Witheridge.
1745 Chas Cutcliffe of Bideford, (ob. 1745) devised the manor of Witheridge and his estate there to his second son the Reverend John
1753 John Cutcliffe by marriage settlement settled lands in Witheridge and Delbridge in strict settlement.
1785 Chas. George Cutcliffe only son John barred the entail. (Cutcliffe family papers. The Late Geo. Cutcliffe).
1900 George Elworthy Cutcliffe, grandson of Chas. George died in 1900, and his widow in 1917. Two years later Combe was sold to Mr Counter
(1919), and by him two or three years later to Mr William Cox. In 1940 the latter sold it to Mr Ernest Cutcliffe, grandson of the last
member of his family to own it.
The late Mr George Cutcliffe sent me excerpts from deeds in which the manor of Witheridge Cannington was referred to as the Manor of
Witheridge simply. Similarly above the phrase manor of Witheridge, in Cutcliffe deeds, would appear to be used loosely or manor of Combe,
Witheridge. There is no other evidence, so far as I know, of a Cutcliffe ownership of Witheridge. The entries in Burkes Landed Gentry,
and in Drake's notes and notelets derive from these documents. An important consideration for the future compliers of local histories.
1086 Baldwin (the sheriff) has a manor called Welisedinga, which Topic held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead, and it
rendered geld for one virgate. This can be ploughed by one plough. William holds this of Baldwin. There William has half a virgate and
one plough in demesne, and the villeins have half a plough. There William had one villein, and one serf, and eight head of cattle, and
twelve acres of meadow, and ten acres of pasture; and it is worth yearly five shillings, and it was worth when he received it three
shillings. This Domesday manor is identified with Wilson in the north part of Witheridge parish by the reference in Bishop Lacy's register,
and the two deeds quoted below, which refer to Wilson. Reichel variously identifies it with Woodington in the South Quarter of Witheridge,
and with Wilson in Worlington parish; to neither of which can these deeds refer. A difficulty is the absence of this manor from the fee
1440 Bishop Lacy's registrar gives the bounds of Witheridge parish, and speak of the house of William Wylshething and Richard Hyabers
near Rackenford and Creacombe, in a way which clearly refers to the modern Wilson and Heiffers.
1565-6 Conveyance by George Cary of Cockenton, co. Devon and Wilmota his wife to Thomas Mortimer alias Tanner of Witheridge of Wilshedinge
to have and to hold of the chief lord of the fee.
1619 In a bundle of Malson deeds belonging to Miss E K Welch, The Quarry, Paignton, and abstracted by the late Mr Hugh Watkin, is one of
Oct. 20 1619, a marriage settlement of John Parkhouse and Charity, daughter of Vincent Crooke which makes an assignment of the moitie or
halfendtale of all those closes etc, under the several names of Derte Down, alias Dert Cruys, Berrymeade, Crownhill, Little Malson and
Peake *. Reserving to William Tanner alias Mortimer a sufficient *. to go, ride, lead, carry, etc over the north side of a close
called Crownhill to and from the * of the said William Tanner called Wilchedding.
1682 Church Rate. John Thomas paid 10d for one moyetie the occupier 10d for the other moyetie.
1833 Land Tax. Thomas Parkhouse and Matthew Thomas were the owners. Each half was assessed at £2. 8 0. One occupier was William Webber,
and the other Jacob Yandell.
1836. Tithe Award. Thomas Ayre, owner and Jacob Yandall occupier.
1086 William Capra *. called Bradeforda, which Almer held on the day on which king *. dead, and it rendered geld for one
virgates. This
can be ploughed * (Exch. four ploughs) Beatrix holds this of William, Beatrix has there in demesne half a virgate and one plough, and the
villeins half a virgate and two ploughs. Beatrix has there six villeins and six bordars, and two serfs, and seven head of cattle, and
five swine, and twenty sheep, and eleven goats, and six acres of meadow, and six acres of pasture; and it is worth by the year twenty
shillings, and it was worth as much when as much when he received it.
And to this manor is added another manor called TOREDONA, which Aluric held in partage with Colin on the day in which King Edward was
alive and dead, and it rendered geld for half a virgate. This can be ploughed by one plough, and it returns by the year forty pence.
Bradeforda and TOREDONA probably included all that was then cultivate in Bradford Tracy, Lete, Down, Ford (part of Northcombe) Pillevin,
Foxdon, Downhay, Rundon, Northcott in Cruwys Morchard and perhaps Northcombe. Exactly which is TOREDON one cannot say. Perhaps Rundon
which was held separately of Bradninch in 1650.
1243 William de Tracy holds in Bradeford through middle lords ½ fee of the honour of Bradninch. To which honour William Capra's fees had
1280 Assize Roll. P.R.O. J.I. 1 184 Membrane 15 et seq. Alice the wife of Richard le Blund of Bradeford and Margery the wife of Hugh de
Bydene killed Richard the husband of Alice by night in Richard's house in the tithing of Bradford, and Alice and Margery were taken at
once, and led to prison to Exeter, and Margery was hanged. She has no chattels and Alice was sentenced to be burnt before the justices
at the gaol etc., and when she was sentenced to the gallows to be burnt, she was rescued and abducted by Gerard the chaplain of the
blessed Mary Arches in Exeter, Robert Lune, Robert le Bule, Robert the servant (or sergeant), Robert the man of Peter's chapel, John of
Exeter, sutter, Richard the potter, Matilda de Sauntoner, Margery Treysdoners and others whose names they know not. Therefore let all be
taken. And Alice after she was rescued, put herself in the church of Hevertre, and confessed that felony, and abjured the kingdom before
the coroner, and her chattels are worth 12/10, which let the sheriff receive. And all except Robert de Bode and John le Sutter withdrew
themselves from that act. Therefore let them be exigent and outlawed. And the women be outlawed. They have no chattels.
The transcript of this in D.A.T. XLV p.311 has some misreadings including Witheridge church instead of
Heavitree. Heavitree after all was
very close to the Exeter gallows.
1272 Close Roll Hen 111 1268-1272 page 504.
Writ to the Sheriff of Devon to release William Budde and his son Thomas bailiffs of the Hundred of Witheridge, held in custody for the
rescue above, if they find twelve legal men to go bail for them at the next assizes. Did the county really have to wait eight years for
the assize?
1284-6 Sarra de Mucegros holds Bradford for ½ fee in free marriage of John de Tracy (her brother) and John Thomas de Ralegh, and Thomas
of John de Legh, and John of the earl of Cornwall, and the earl of the king. (Feudal Aids p. 342).
1303 Alice de Mucegros ½ fee (F.A. p.363).
1316 Adam de Stodden ½ fee in Bradford of the hon. of Brayes. Ref. Harl Ms. 4278 Brit. Mus. Was Adam de Stodden the husband of Alice
de Mucegros? If so, and if they had no children, we can understand the next notice of Bradford. Adam's wife was called Alice. (Visitation
of Devon, Vivian, under Cutcliffe).
1327 De Banco Roll. 1 Edw. III, Easter Term, Membrane 33) John de Bratton and Joan his wife gave one mark for license of concord with
Robert de Mucegros in a pleas of conveying sixty shillings in rent with appurtanances in Bradford Tracy, Est Worlington, Northcote and
la Heyghen belonging to the same Robert, and they have their cheirograph by the hand of John of Cambridge, the advocate (narrator).
1327 De Banco Roll, 1 Edw. III. Trinity Term. It was the precept of the sheriff that there should come here on this day Oliver de
Esse, Richard de Cruwes, Mathew de Crouthorn, Wiliam de Combe, Henry Bockerel, John Grede de Estsprawere, Alain de la Forde, Roger
Marchant, Roger de Bradeford, William de la Hurne, William Bullok, Alice ate Tate, and Roger ate Doune to ascertain by what services
they held their holdings of Robert Mucegros in Bradeford Tracy, Estpreweye, Estwulrigton, Northcote and la Heyghen, what service and
appertenances the same Robert in this court conceded to John de Bratton and Joan his wife by a fine.
They did not come and Oliver was malprised by William de Esses and Richard de Combe and Richard by William Bonde and Henry Gerveys, and
Mathew by Thomas Stur and Henry Gille, and William by Henry de Combe and Nicholas de Combe, and Henry Bokerel by Thomas Jury and Henry
Lawe. Therefore they are in mercy and it is the precept of the sheriff that they should be constrained in their lands, and that they
should be here within sixteen days of Michaelmas. And of John Grede and all the others it is the sheriff's mandate that they are dead.
1331, 20 Apr) Devon Feet of Fines, Dev and Corn. Rec. Soc.
1333, 20 Oct.) Transcript, vol. 11 no.1253: Roger le Marchaunt of Wytheryge, claimant and John de Bracton and Joan his wife, deforciants,
as to 63/4 of rent in Bradford Tracy, Est Spirywaye, Northcote and la Heyeghen. Plea of Covenant was summoned. John and Joan acknowledged
the rent to be the right of Roger, and remitted and quit claimed for themselves and the heirs of John 23/8 thereof to Roger and his
heirs for ever. And they granted to Roger the residue of the rent, to wit 39/8, together with the homages and whole services of William
Marchaunt, Roger atte Doune, William atte Forde, Roger Greye, Henry Skylling, Matthew de Crouthorn, William Bullok, Margery ate Yates,
Oliver de Esses, William de Brunston, Walter Deneys, John Grede and Joan who was the wife of William son of Geoffery de Edynton, and
their heirs in respect of the whole of the tenements, which they hold of John de Bracton and Joan his wife the said townships. To have
and to hold to Roger and his heirs of the chief lord of that fee to the services which to that rent belong for ever; and John de Bratton
and Joan his wife and the heirs of John shall warrant the rent to Roger and his heirs and is aforesaid against all men for ever. For
this Roger gave John de Bracton and Joan 200 marks of silver.
1349 Pole Collectanea, D and C Rec No. 3853: To all those etc. Henry Willinton, Kt, Ralph Samson, parson of the church of Estodlegh,
Gregory Grave, greeting. For as much as Robert Marchant, son and heir of Roger Marchant has entrusted to you and to your heirs all those
lands of Estodlegh, Pillafenne, Bradford Tracy, Overwardislegh, Pilamore, Ley, Sacgivilslegh and Beaworthy to collect the annual rent.
We will and grant that if the said Robert shall allow Roger his brother etc.
1377 I have so far not traced how or when Bradford Tracy passed from the Marchants to the Astons or Affetons the only link missing
between 1243 and the present time. In 1377 Alice daughter of Thomas de Asseton and widow of Roger Marchant, son and heir of Robert
Marchant, sold the manor of Estodlegh to John Fitzpaine. She may have disposed of Bradford to her own family.
Thomas Aston died (Inq. P.H. temp Hen. Lv) seized of Bradford Tracy, ½ fee of Bradninch.
His son John married Joan daughter of John Bratton (Pole).
c. 1450 Their daughter Katerina married first Hugh Stuckley, and second William Bourgchier de Fitzwarin died possessed of Bradford Tracy
and Affeton.
1489 Inq. P.M. Nicholas Stuckley son of Katerina and Hugh, his son and heir being Thomas aged 13, he held the manor of Bradford Tracy
of the king as of the manor of Bradninch by service 1/8 kt ¼ fee, and 30 acres of land in Churne as of the manor of Bradford Tracy of
service of ¼ fee and 3/1 rent.
1555 Settlement of Hugh Stuckley of Affeton kt. For his son Lewis includes Bradford Tracy (Deeds enrolled, Tingey).
1565 Sale by Lewis Stucley of Afton to Thomas Mortimer alias Tanner of Witheridge, yeoman, of the manor of Bradford Tracy (alias
Peter's Bradford) with all the messuages, milles, lands, high rents etc. thereto belonging except the messuages tenements and lands in
the tenure of George Mortimer alx. Taner, Thomasyn Doddridge, John Mair als, Apcott, William Colman, Robert Uppington.
1550 Sale by James Braye of South Molton, carpenter, to John Cade of Wetheridge, husbandman, of his third part of a messuage, land
and tenement etc. in Ford and Bradford Tracy in Wetherudge.
1614 Sale by John Skynner to Richard Shortrudge of lands in Bradford Tracy als Peter'
s Bradford, Northcomb als Narracomb, except
Ford in the occupation of John Cade. Ford was opposite to Leat, on what is now part of Northcombe. No trace of the house remains.
1614 Sale by Philip Mortimer als Tanner and James Broughton and Amye his wife to Richard Shortrudge of Witherudge gent. of Bradford
Tracy except such part there of as is the inheritance of Ladye Acland, and certain lands and tenements called Rendon, and all messuages,
lands etc. there called Forde, Leate, and Leat Mill.
1614 Same parties. Assignment of residue of lease of 1/5 of Bradford and also Taylor'
s meadow. Richard Shortrudge of Witherudge was
the son of Hugh Shortrudge by Margerie daughter and heiress of Philip Bowden of Witheridge. He married Mary dau. of John Cade of
Witheridge and was followed by his son Richard (II). He died in 1645.
1645 -
1678 Richard (II)
1678 -
1687 Richard (III)
1687 -
1715 George
1715 -
1763 Richard (IV)
1650 P.R.O. Rentals and Surveys, Hon Man and Borough of Bradninch. The heirs of M.als 5.holdeth in kt service certain lands and tenements
in Bradford Tracy. Samuel M.als T.1 * lands and tenements in Bradford called Rendon in the parish of Witheridge, by what part of kt. fee
we cannot find out.
1763 Richard (IV) the last Shortrudge died in 1763, leaving two daughters, Susannah Elizabeth who had married the reverend Thomas
Melhuish, vicar of Witheridge and rector of Thelbridge. By deed the daughters divided the inheritance between them. Susannah Elizabeth
receiving the manor and barton of Bradford Tracy the tenements of Mill, or Leet, Northcomb and Ford in the parish of Witheridge, and Pitt,
Lewdon West Coryton and Little Coryton parts of the manor of Thelbridge. High rents 4/- out of Northcomb, 1/- out of Down, 1d out of
Thorndon, 6d out of Spurway, 6d out of Looselands.
The other daughter received the patronage of Rackenford and Thelbridge. The messuages etc, of Middlewick, Camplehay, Charneford, East
Coryton, Woodhouse Woods, Little Woodhouse and Lower Somerwill. High rent of ¼ out of Buddlewick, 9/- out Woodford, ¼ out of Bilhole.
Thorndon is presumably Rundon. Is this a local pronunciation nearer akin to the Domesday Toredon than any other? Looseland is next to
the modern Northcott and probably was part of the Northcott linked with Bradford throughout the fourteenth century.
1784 Lease of 1/5 part of Bradford Tracy, Sir Thos. Dyke Acland to the reverend Thomas Melhuish. Susannah Elizabeth died in 1764
(tombstone in Witheridge church) and her husband in 1795.
1794 Lease of 1/5 Bradford Tracy and Taylor'
s Meadow part of Esselbeare, to Richard Melhuish.
1829 Purchase by the reverend William Prockter Thomas, nephew and successor of Richard Melhuish from Sir T.D. Acland of 1/5 of
Bradford Tracy, Taylor'
s Meadow, Northcomb and Binghay, ½ Crowhall parts of the manor of Esselbeare in the parishes of Witheridge and
Creacombe. Binghay is 18 acres formerly in the possession of John Tanner. Lease for one year says all in the possession of John Tanner
the younger.
1822 Assignments and conveyance of Rew Meadow part of Down estate in Bradford Tracy. Richard and Thomas Comins to the reverend W.P.
Thomas, formerly Acland property as to one half. The abstract goes back to 1784. The other half purchased of Whyddon by T.M. Comins.
1259 Assize to enquire if Richard Vassal, Richard Bull k, William de la Hurne, Richard his brother, Adam le Bradeford, Walter de Pipere,
Richard de Pipere, Walter Gler, Richard le Whyte, Henry Bullock, William le Cheryn, and Ralph de la Lete unjustly dessiezed Guy de la
Forde of common pasture in Bradefford which belonged to his free tenement in la Forde. It was complained that they had dessiezed him of
200 acres of pasture for his cattle all the year. Their defence that he was unjustly seized of it, and so that it was not possible to
dessieze him of it. The jury say that he was unjustly seized of the aforesaid common field belonging to his free tenement in the aforesaid
place, and that Richard and the others did not dessieze him, because it was not possible in their opinion unjustly to do so. The defendants
dismissed from the case, and Guy is in mercy for a false claim.
MENCHINE BRADFORD commonly called Menchine
1086 Wiliam de Faleise has a manor called Bradeforda which Brungar held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead, and it
rendered geld for one ferling and a half. This ferling and a half can be ploughed by one plough. There William has one villein, and one
plough, and two acres of meadow and it is worth by the year five shillings and it was worth as much when William received it. Whale
(D.A.T. XXXIV p.301) refers to this Bradford as part of Bradford, Witheridge. Reichel calls it Bradford, Cruwys Morchard. Probably neither
know that Menchine in Witheridge, had borne the title Menchine Bradford, though the second word is never now used. The word Menchine does
however definitely fix this place as Bradford in this hundred held by the nuns of Polsloe, along with Menethuenland or Minikinland in
Denewoldisham, i.e. now Menchinedown close to Densham in Wolfordisworthy.
1243 The same prioress (of Polsoe) holds Bradeford in lordship in pure alms. Roger of Munchenland holds Munchenland and Bradford of
the prioress of Polleslo for x shillings per annum in socage, and herself in pure and ancient alms. The surrender of Polsle came 19 Feb
30 Hen/ VIII (1539), but I have been unable to find out what happened to Bradeford, although it is mentioned in Ministeres Accounts Vol.
II p.26 See Oliver'
s Monasticon, p.168 for Roll of 32 Hen. VII, Aug. Office.
1628 The next reference is in the Inq. P.M. of Thomas Cutcliffe who died Nov 1628 and whose I.P.M. was taken in Exeter, 6 April, 5,
Chas 1. (1629). He owned Ninchin Bradford in Witheridge.
1637 I.P.M. of Chas. Cutcliffe who died 26 Oct 1637 for (1636) and whose IPM was taken in Exeter 11 Jan. 13 Chas I. He also owned
Myncham Bradford in Witheridge. The late Mr James Rowcliffe has deeds of the two cottages at Nomansland on the edge of the Menchine
property, which he bought some fifteen years ago. The deeds go back to leases for lives by Chas. Geo. Cutcliffe, son of John Cutcliffe,
who was great grandson of Charles of 1637 above. The deeds are of 1787 and 1785 respectively.
1863 Chas. John Cutcliffe (son of Chas.Geo.) and John Lane Cutcliffe sold the cottages to George Cutcliffe. He sold them again in -
1873 to Thomas Elworthy Adams of Providence Place, Witheridge whose widow sold them in 1917 to Wm and A.G. Ayre.
1833 John Partridge owned and occupied Menchine (Land Tax Assess.)
1086 William (de Poillei) has a manor called Derta, which Leugar held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead and it
rendered geld for one virgate. This can be ploughed by two ploughs. And Radulf holds it of William. There Radulf has in demesne one
ferling, and the villeins three ferlings and they have one plough. There Radulf has three villeins, and one serf, and three acres of
woodland, two acres of meadow, and nine acres of pasture, and it is worth by the year seven shillings, and it was worth ten shillings
when he received it.. Exchequer Domesday says: Twenty acres of pasture, formerly worth ten shillings, now thirteen.
Reichel (D.A.T. XXXV p.312 quoted XXXVI p.432) suggests that Radulf was de Valletort, as two of his holdings are eventually held with
de Valletort middle lords.
1243 Ralph de Derthe holds 1/5 f.of Joel de Valletorta, and Joel of the honour of Plymton.
1303 Walter le Wales holds 1/5 f.
1304 Similarly in the account of the next year, Walter Waleys.
1346 Ralph de Derte holds 1/5 f. in Deterauf of the same honour (Plymton) which Walter Walays formerly held.
1543 4 Dec 35, Hen. VIII. Deeds enrolled in the county, No. 204. Bargain and sale by Sir Richard Eggecome to Alexander Wood of North
Tawton, of the manor, borough and hundred of North Tawton. Part or purpartyof all messuages, lands etc, in *.Dart Raffe *.Affeton.
Is this a reminder of the overlordship of the Velletorts or of honour?
1550 The first Melhuish known to be in Witheridge was Richard who in 1425 collected tithes for John Hody the then rector, (Lacy's reg).
We do not know in what house he lived. But the will of Richard Walshe of Barnstaple (1550) states that he had married Catherine, widow
of John Dart, whose daughter Ann married Hugh Melhuish.
1581 Thomas son of Hugh and Ann Melhuish refers to his house of Derte Raff.
1569-1654 There is nothing to connect the son of Thomas, Robert with Dart Raffe though he probably lived there for he was church warden
in 1606 and 1607.
1604-1668 Thomas, son of Robert, church warden 1639. Died in 1668 and left to his daughter, Barbara, the estate I have in Dart Rafe in
Witheridge, determinable upon the death of Thomas my eldest sonne, but Lewis, my sonne can buy it from her for £200 with all the household
goods and husbandry utensils.
1680 Lewis apparently exercised his right of purchase, for in his will, proved, 4 June 1687, he left the main profit of his farm called
Dart for the maintenance of his children till they received their portions.
His son Richard, an apothecary of Barnstaple, is the last Melhuish whom we know to have been connected with Dart Raffe. How he parted
with it we do not know. Whether he sold it, or whether it had only been held on lives and reverted to the Tremaynes.
1767 15 Oct. Marriage settlement of Henry Hawkin Tremayne, clerk, mentions Dart Raffe as being of land formerly the property of Lewis
Dart, brother of Ann. Certainly the Tremayne family in the person of Mr J.C.L. Tremayne.
1086 Walter (de Clavile) has a manor called Ratdone, which Alueua held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead, and it
rendered geld for two parts of a virgate. These can be ploughed by one plough. Walter the house Steward (Dapifer) holds this of Walter.
Of it Walter has in demesne one plough and one villein, and one border, and one serf, and two acres of meadow. This is worth six shillings
and it was worth as much when Walter received it. The three early names for this manor are unusual, but there is no reason to doubt the
1243 William Vassal holds Fremannescote for ¼ fee of the same William de Clavill and honour of Gloucester.
1262-3 Devon. Feet of Fines, 47 Hen. III (3 Feb 1262/3) Between Roger Barilg and Alice his wife, plaintiffs and William Vassal,
tenant as to two ferlings of land in Wytherygge. William acknowledged the said land be the right of Roger and Alice, To have and to hold
to them the said land and the heirs of Alice of William and his heirs for ever. Rendering therefore yearly 12d at the feast of S.Michael
for all service suit of court, customs and exactions, and William and his heirs shall warrant acquit and defend the said land to the said
Roger and Alice, and their heirs of Alice, by the said service against all men for ever. For this Roger and Alice gave to William one
mark of silver.
1284-6 William Vassel holds Westaya (? Fremannescoth) for ¾ f. of John de Clavile, and the same John of the Earl of Gloucester, and
the earl of the king.
1303 William Polleyn holds in Fremansecote ¼ fee of the honour of Gloucester.
1304 William Poleyn holds in Frumanecote ¼ fee.
1346 Robert Poleyn holds ¼ fee in Fremancote which William Poleyn formerly held.
1428 John Poleyn and John Reyman hold ¼ fee in Fremanecote which Robert Polleyn once held.
1438 1 July; John Frye was lord of West Yeo and presented to Washford Pyne. (Lacy Reg).
1440 House of John Frye marks that parish boundaries in such an order that it must have been West Yeo, and is called West Yeo.
1436 John Frye of West Yeo witness to a Cruwys deed.
In Sir George Carew's Scroll of Arms printed in Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries, there is this extract. Three horses courant in
pale argent. Frye, this coate standeth in Witheridge church, and is quarted by Parker.
The family of Frye which had married with the family of Parker of North Molton, ancestors of the earls of Morley, eventually settles at
Yartye in Membury. They ended in an heiress who married a lord king, whose brother's family inherited the Yarty property. See articles
by Major Wilkin in D.A.T. LVIII, 257, and LXI, 348.
Early Chanc. Proc. 607,18. Action on a bond securing to defendant a lease of Moor Ground called West Yow in Witheridge. Subpeona and
injunction. Mutilated. Vincent Bennett of Witheridge and Robert Mydwynter. 1529-1532.
1821 Lyson's Correspondence, Brit. Mus. Rev. Perry Dickens to Rev Benjamin Clay for the Rev. D Lysons. "I have never heard West Yeo
called a Barton. It is the property of Mr Wm. Adams. It was sold by the Adams to the Cook family who still own it."
1086 Walter (de Clavile) has a manor called Draheforda which Alueron held on the day King Edward was alive and dead, and it rendered
geld for three virgates less half a ferling. These can be ploughed by three ploughs. Of it Walter has in demese one virgatte and one
plough, and the villains have two ploughs. There Walter has three villains, and three bordars and three head of cattle, and eighteen
sheep, and wood two furlongs in length and one in breadth, and four acres of meadow and twelve acres of pasture, and it is worth by the
year fifteen shillings, and it was worth ten shillings when Walter received it.
1238 9 July. Devon F. of F. Between Richard de Spekecot plaintiff, and John Despenser, tenant, as to 4 ferlings of land, except four
acres, in Drailford and in La Hille. A plea was between them. John gave and granted to the said Richard one ferling of the said land, to
wit that ferling of land which Adam de la Hulle once held. To have and to hold to the said Richard and his heirs of John and his heirs
for ever. Doing therefore the service of ¼ of ½ knight's fee for all services and exaction. Moreover John gave to Richard eight marks
of silver. Hill is to be looked for next Speccot in Merton parish.
1243 John le Despencer holds in Drayford ¾ of ½ fee of William de Clavil of the honour of Gloucester.
1284-6 Richard le Despencer holds Drayford with Hille juxta Specthcote for ½ fee of John de Clavill, and John of the earl of
Gloucester, and the earl of the king.
1295 Pole Collectanea, D.and C. Soc. No 4061. John le Dispencer to Robert de Crawethorn, Brayford. Witnesses William de Wolrington,
William Poleyn, Roger le Marchant, Nicholas le Marchant, Andrew de Coringdon, Robert de Affeton, John de Hackworthie, clerk. Here Brayford
would appear to be a slip for Drayford.
1303 Robert de Crouthorn holds in Drayford 1/3 part of a fee (and by the rolls of the Exchequer of ½ fee).
1304 Robert Crouthorn 1/3 of ½ fee, but many fees are cut down for this account.
1316 Matthew de Crouthorne, Drayford of the honour of Gloucester.
1332 Matthew de Crouthorn was one of the two collectors for the county of the lay subsidy of that year.
1346 Thomas Crouthorne holds 1/3 part of ½ fee in Brayford rectius Drayford of the hon. of Gloucester, which Robert Crouthorne once
1428 John Botreaux, William Beale and Richard Mere hold 1/3 f. in Drayford, which Thomas Crouthorn once held.
1504 John Bery is of Drayford and assigns to Alexander Vayse his estate in Webbelond and Overthorn in Washfield, and in 1506 to Thomas
Stukeley his estate in Rackenford.
1555 Drayford amongst other property settled by Hugh Stucley in Affeton, kt, on his son Lewis.
1632 3 Aug. Deed enrolled in the county, Tingey's Index. Bargain and sale by Scipio Stuckley of Drayford in Witheridge, gentleman and
Pollyner his wife, to Sir Edward Chichester, kt, Lord viscount Chichester of Carrickfergus in Ireland of the manor and lordship of Drayford
with its members in Witheridge, Thelbridge, East and West Worlington subject to a schedule.
Two tenements in possession of Scipio Stukeley called Downes whereon are four lives apiece granted by the indenture of Lord Chichester
upon agreement when the land was purchased.
The mill called Drayford Mill wheron also four lives.
One tenement in possession of Phillip Trix whereon are 2 live by coppi formerly granted, and one life to be granted in reversion by Lord
Chichester to Scorpio's daughter. Another in possession of Roger Beare. Another in possession of Phillip Bawden. Another in possession
of Christian Rudge. One cottage in possession of William Blackmore. One cottage in possession of John Battyn. One tuck mill in possession
of Hugh Moore. One house in possession of Roger Mills.
The Drayford seems to have followed the Eggesford Estate to the Fellowes for the Fellowes holdings in 1836 included Drayford Mill, 7 acres,
Trixes, 13 ac. Stuckley'
s 46 ac., Godswells, 75, acres, Mays, Cobleys and Warrens, 50 acres.
ADWORTHY. Including Adworthy and Hellinghayes
1086 Radult has a manor called Odeordi, which Seric held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead and it rendered geld for
one ferling. This can be ploughed by half a plough. William holds this of Radulf. There William has half a plough, and one serf, and
two acres of meadow, and it is worth by the year thirty pence.
Lack of evidence makes the identification of this small manor held by William (Peytevin) under Ralph (de Pomeray) with the modern Adworthy
and Hellinghayes. Reichel said that it was Woodford in Thelbridge, but produced no fact in support of his suggestion besides the small
area of Woodford. Woodford however, paid a chief rent to the Lords of Thelbridge manor, and was therefore almost certainly freehold of
the manor.Adworthy is a good equivalent for Odeordi, particularly with the existence of the intermediate form Oddeworthy.
1539 6, Dec. (Deeds enrolled in the county, Tingey'
s Index no. 87 and 99)
No. 87 Grant of Vincent Bennet of Wayssheford to John Sherman of Otery St. Mary. Of a Tenement called Oddeworthy in Witheridge.
Richard Walles appointed attorney. Witnesses John Tore, High Maiser and George Stoford.
No. 199 Release by Vincent Bennet of Wayssheford to John Sherman of Otery St. Mary of his right in a tenement called Oddesworthy in
Wytheridge and in a parcel of land called Holdon Hays which John lately acquired of Vincent's gift.
1682 Church Rate. Thomas Hill for Lower Adworthy 7d.
The occupier for Higher Adworthy 3d.
Humphrey Butler for Hellinghayes 7d.
1833 Land Tax. Richard Adams, owner and occupier of Hellinghayes. £1.10.0.
Lower Adworthy. £1.10.01
Part, Higher Adworthy 16.0
Wm. Anstey, owner, Richard Leach, occ. tt. Hr.Adw. 1.0
John Anstey, owner and occ.pt. Higher Adworthy. 1.0
Which looks as if two cottages, now one cottage, has been sold seperately. It is interesting to see how Late Adworthy and Hellinghayes
were in the same ownership. Lower Adworthy house is burnt down, though the building for the farm are still there. The two farms are
farmed from adjacent houses at Higher Adworthy.
The Domesday holdings of TETBALD fitz BERNER and of ODO fitz GAMELIN which afterwards came to the Honour of TORITON.
The identifications are those of Reichel's corrections in his own hand writing of his copy of D.A.T. XXX pp. 422, 423. These identifications
have the merit of probability, and there seems to be no good reasons for rejecting them. But there are difficulties. It is not possible
to separate out yet the two Darts, and there is no certainty to which Wesford we are to attribute Stourton and Yeatherbridge which were
held of Toriton.
WESFORD k.p. 1019 of D.A. Devon Domesday UPCOTT
With Upcott went Little Upcott, Batson and Shillaton, and with one or other of the three went probably Eastway, Westway, Stourton,
Yeatheridge, and Marchweek.
1086 Tetbald (fitz Berner) has a manor called Westfort, which Colbert held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead, and
it rendered geld for one virgate. This can be ploughed by one plough. There Tetbald has two villains who have in it half a plough, and
two bordars and two acres of meadow, and it is worth by the year ten shillings and it was worth as much when he received it.
1086 Tetbalds has a manor called Wesforda which four thegns held in partage on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead and
it rendered geld for one virgate. This can be ploughed by one plough and a half. There Tetbald has one plough and two bordars and one
acre of meadow, and it is worth by the year five shillings and it was worth as much when Tetbald received it.
1086 Tetbald has a manor called Wesforda, which Ulmar held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead and it rendered geld for
half a hide. This can be ploughed by three ploughs. Now Alwald holds it of Tetbald. Alwald has in demesne one virgate and one plough.
And the villains have one plough. There Alwald has three villains and two bordars and five head of cattle and ten swine, and twenty
sheep, and two acres of wood, and five acres of meadows and it is worth by the year twelve shillings and sixpence. Tetbald holds these
three above written manors as one manor, and six thegns held them in partage in the time of King Edward. Alwald also held the next
Domesday manor, Dertera under Tetbald. He had held it himself in the days of King Edward, so the sitting Saxon owner of Dertera was
allowed to go on owning it under Tetbald as his lord, but got also Wesforda (m). Perhaps also he actede as steward for Tetbalds Wesfort
(k) and Wesforda (1) for he comes into a deed of the twelfth century of which we have only a inspeximus and confirmation of 1358.
The date of the original deed is fixed as being 1138-1160 by the introduction of the name of the bishop of Exeter who was either Robert
Chichester 1138-1155 or Robert Warelwast 1155 22 March 1159-60.
Catalogue of Ancient deeds, Vol. VI No. 4092.
32 Edw. III. Inspeximus and confirmation by Richard de Meron kt. of a decayed charter whereby Henry son of Alwold his ancestor grants
with the assent of Agnes his daughter and heir and by the council of Robert bp. of Exeter to the church of S. Mary Magdalene of Barnstaple
and the monks of Cluni there in pure alms all his lands in Witheridge, Washford, Grenedune, Dertra, Uppecote, Strecchederts, Wodeford
Chatmere, Weie, Batesdone, Beare, Shilvedone, Rouwedon and Stretcheston with woodland (nemore) and the services of all his free tenants
who hold both things foreign of him and other, and the liberty which he had in the mill of Witherigge. Himself also he offered at the
altar and took the monastic. Witnesses:- Stephen de Magna Villa, Stephen the Fleming (Flandransis) and Erchenbald and Robert his sons,
Jordan de Campoarnulphi. Philip and Heimfred de Carthrai, Hugh de Ralegh, Edward the priest, and Almer the parmenter (parmentarius) of
Grenedune. Witnesses to the confirmation Thomas de Merton, his brother and others named, Merton, Friday before Ann B.V.M. 32 Edw.III
1233 Catalogue of Ancient Deeds no. 4438. Grant by Richard Stretch of Wasfod for his soul and the souls of his wife and parents to
the prior and monks of S.Mary Magdalene of Barnstaple of ½ mark rent from his lands in Wasford in pure alms for increase of half a mark
which he owed before, so that he and his heirs pay one mark therefrom forever, with right of distraint both in his lands of Derte and
in his lands of Wasford. Witnesses:- Sir Henry Tracy, Sir Archebald le Fleming, William de Raleg, Philip de Bello Monte and others named.
Dated 1233.
It will be noted that these lands are still called Wasford. Now did Richard Strech give his surname to Streccton and Streccderta or did
he received his name from them? If he gave his name to them then either he was already holding when Henry son of Alwold made his gift,
or else the names Strecheston and Streccederta were introduced for purposes of identification into the confirmation of 1358 and had not
appeared in the original decayed charter of Henry son of Alwold. Curiously enough the name has gone from the holdings. Strecheston being
now called Mill or Myll and the name only appears in the form Stretchdown, the name given to the hamlet on the road from Witheridge to
Mill and eventually Puddington.
1243 The prior of Barnstaple and Robert de Horton hold in Wasford and Westecoth and in Derth 2 fees of the same heirs and honour
(i.e. Toriton).
1284-6 Thomas de Horton holds Stretthe, Derte, Uppecote and Westcote for 1 fee and 1/8 part of a fee of the prior of Barnstaple, and
the prior of Thomas de Merton and Thomas of the king.
1302 Prior of Barnstaple and Robert de Horton in Wasford, Strete, Westcote and Derte two fees, or the honour of Toriton.
1303 The account Lay Subsidies Aid 95/3 cuts down the assessment to ½ fee and only 20/- is charged.
1316 Harl. Ms 4278 Prior of Barnstaple 1 fee Stregheton of hon. Of Toryton, and Robert de Horton 1 fee in Westcot of the same honour.
1346 Prior of Barnstaple and Mabilla de Horton for ½ fee in Wasseford, Strath, Westecote and Darte by equal portions of the honour
which the prior and Robert once held.
1428 John Raynesbury, John Luyt and the heirs of Guy Ayssh ½ fee in Waysford, Strecche, Westecote and Dert which the prior once held.
1397 June 28. Patent Roll. Grant for fine of £200 paid at the receipt of the Exchequer to John Hankford and his heirs for ever at
the yearly rent of a rose of the following all in the county of Devon. (1) The manor of Heghen, 6 messuages 5, carrucates and 6 ferlings
of land and one shambles with the appurtenances in Geghen, Horton, Halle, Bishop'
s Nymet, South Molton, Yaddebury, Uppecote, Langtree,
Bradeworthy, and 11/1 of rent, and the rent of a pound and a half of wax, the advowson of the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Taddyport
with appurtenances in Yaddebury, Ruggecomb, Bradeworthy, Alfredsworthy, Welcomb, Hertilond, Aysshemannesworthy, Langtree, Peterysmerlond,
Wytherygge, Heynstford, Wodeton, Uppecote, Churne, Beare, Groubeare, Coltishorne, Stykerygge, Thorne, Wolfardysheth, Kysmeldon and
Wolferdysworthy and Bokysh which the said John and Joan his wife hold for the term of the said Joan life, there version belonging to the
king by reason of the judgement in Parliament against John Blake in the eleventh year.
2) Certain reversions expectant.
3) a certain do.
4) the homages and services of John Hunt etc including John Gete, John Knight, John Uppercote, Michael Bonde, and Emma his wife, Joan
late the wife of John Peleyn, Walter Beare, Wm. Way, Walter Willesdon, Robert Bonde, John Bury, Walter Robert, parson of Crues Morchard,
Margery Comyn, Alice Comyn.
John de Mohun Wm. De Montacute Wm. Hankford John
Eliz.= Wm. De Montacute John de M. Richard Hankford
Matilda -= John de Montacute
Anne = Sir Richard Hankfird
Thomas, Earl of Ormond = = = Anne
Anne = Sir James St. Ledger Sir Wm Boleyn = Margaret
Sir George St. Leger Anne = Hen. VIII Wm Carey = Mary
1425 I.P.M. Matilda, widow of John Montacute, earl of Salisbury property includes Wytherugg, one fee. Is this the Horton half of the
two fees of Upcott?
1432 Cal. Inq 10 Hen. VI Richard Hankford and Anne his wife 3/5 rent and 13 messuages etc, including Witheridge.
1485 1 Hen. VII, I.P.M. of Anne late the wife of Thomas Ormond kt, includes the manor of Uppecote in Widerigge worth 20s. held of
William Courtenay, kt, by knight's service.
1532 IPM. Ser. 11, Vol. 53(3), 24, Hen VIII, of Anne St. Leger, widow of James St. Leger and daughter of Thomas Butler, seventh earl
of Ormond. Inquisition taken at Exeter, 30 Oct. 24. Hen V.III (1532 says that she held Wytherygge of the Duchy of Lancaster, worth £2.
This is a small amount compared with most of her holdings and probably means Upcott in Witheridge. The I.P.M. recites, amongst other, a
deed of 1519 in which Upcott in Witheridge and six other manors in Devon are settled upon Anne her daughter-in-law, her son and eventually
her grandson, John in expectance of a marriage which never took place between him and Katherine, daughter of Sir William Compton. The
following manors which occur in this I.P.M. also occur in the Hankford grants of 1397: Yadbury, Heyghen, Horton, Buckysshe and Tadyport
with chantry.
1462 Patent Roll, 3 Edw. IV. May 18, p.265. Grant to Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury etc. of property of Thomas Ormond and Anne his
wife as of the right of the said Anne, daughter of Anne, late duchess of Exeter, sister of Thomas, Montagu, kt., sometime, earl of
Salisbury, father of Alice late, countess of Salisbury to hold during the life of the said Thomas Ormond without rendering anything to
the king.
1466 Patent Roll., 7 Edw. IV p.361. Grant of the same to the same, but to pay rents as before 4 March, 1. Edw.IV., and pardon to them
for all isssues from that date. After 1532 Early Chancery Proceedings, vol. 8, page 226, file 1071. John Seyntleger Esq, son and heir of
George Seyntleger, kt, v. Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, and Richard Riche, kt, Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations.
Detentions of deeds with respect to manors of Mere etc, including Wytheridge.
1569 6 June 11, Elizabeth. Deed enrolled in the county, Tingey'
s Index D and C Rec.Soc. no. 852. Bargain and sale by Sir John Seintleger,
kt, to Humphrey Brouhton of Warbrightisleigh, gent, and John Bere, of Brusshford in Somerset, gent, of the manors of Ruccomb, Heigh
Heyne, Upcott in Witheridge.
1570 28 Sept. 12 Eliz. Same index. Bargain and sale of the above properties to John Stukelegh of Afton and Hugh Stukelegh his brother.
1387 or thereabouts. Brit. Mus. Add. Charters no 29110. Know by these presents that I, William Crobbe, gave and conceded, and my
writings confirmed to William atte Welle and Wilmas(?) son of John Bonde, and the heirs of the aforesaid Walter rent and appurtenances
of the land and tenements which John Pytman holds of me in Lyteluppacote at *. Lords of the fee not referred to by name. Witnesses:-
John de Combe, Walter Dert, John Lock atte Mille, Luke Herle, William Weye and others.
1565 (?) Deed enrolled in the county, no. 260. Bargain and sale by John Docton of Hartland, gentleman, to William Crudge of Wytherudge,
husbondman, of all messuages, lands, tenements etc, and services in Little Upcote alias West Upcote.
1243 Ralph de Holebrok holds in Storeton ¼ fee of Richard Hereward, and he, through a middle-lord, of the heirs and honour of Toriton.
Stourton would appear to be a sub-infeudation of one of the Domesday manors which came to the honour of Toriton. It lies between
Strecheston (Mill) and Westcott.
1303 Stordeton held by the heirs of Ralph de Holebrok, ¼ fee of the honour of Toriton.
1340 William Lynour ¼ fee in Stordeton of the honour of Toryton which the heirs of Ralph de Holebrok once held.
1373 Cal. Of Close Rolls, Nov. 20. Division of the estate of Richard de Merton between his four daughters, Eleanor, wife of Matthew
de Stowille, kt, Joan wife of John Baunfile, Agnes and Agnes. Mention of Hillacastel, Strettheton, Rowedon and Brendon, Est. derte and
Sturdeton, Yerderigh.
1373 For these properties see also I.P.M. of Richard de Merton, 47, Edw III.
1373 Cal. Close Rolls above. Sturdeton Yerderigh is described as 1/8 fee. Formerly held by the heirs of Gilbert de Edyngton.
1316 Harl. Ms. 4278. Stourdeton is held by William Fitzjohn for 1/8 fee of Torryton.
It should be noted that in 1346 William Lynour also held Coltystone which William son of Geoffrey de Borthcote once held. The connection
between Lynour, Edyngton, and Northcote needs exploring. Also the holding together of Stourton and Yeatheridge.
1570 Marriage settlement of Leonard Partridge and Mary Staveley. Moiety in Stourton, sometime the inheritance of William Cade, in the
tenure of John Partridge, with lands in Thelbridge; and reversion of the other moiety.
1666 Precis of deed copied and sent by the late Alex. Reynell. Settlement of James Partridge on Joan his wife with remainder to Jame's
son. Stourton als. Stourditon, Nott's tenement, late in tenure of Philip Nott, dec. and Heale Green in Witheridge, and Over and Nether
Storkham in Dulverton.
1671 Will of James Patridge to the deed above, also refers to Thomazine Bigood, his mother.
1687 For £1000 Joan Patridge surrenders to James, her son, parts named as Stourton.
1687 Grant for one year James Partridge to Protedorus Finney of Lyons Inn, Middlesex, for the purpose of attesting a grant and
release of the reversion and inheritance. QUOTES:- Close of land known as Heale Downes within the parish of Witheridge now enjoyed with
Stourton als. Sturditon. Stourton als Sturditon, Nott'
s Tenement, part of Heale, Hodge's Tenement, late in the tenure of one William
Hodge dec., also part of Heale. His part in Heale Green. Over and Nether Storkham in Dulverton, Pasture in certain lands adjoining called
Heartheridge in Dulverton. Any other lands he may have in Witheridge Thelbridge and Dulverton.
Including Malson, Dart Cruse als. Dart Down, Filey Ground, East Newland, Ford Down, Rose Moor, West Newland, and Upcott Squire.
1086 Tetbald has a manor called Dertera, which Alwald held on the day on which king Edward was alive and dead and it rendered geld
for one virgate. This can be ploughed by three ploughs. Now the aforesaid Alwald holds it of Tetbald. Of it Alwald was in demesne half
a virgate and one plough, and the villeins have one plough. There Alwald has three villeins, and two serfs, and three head of cattle,
and two swine, and twenty sheep, and twenty-five goats and seven acres of meadow, and twelve acres of pasture; and it is worth by the
year twelve shillings and sixpence, and it was worth twenty shillings when Tetbald received it.
1086 Odo has a manor called Derta, which Bristric held on the day on which king Edward was alive and dead, and it rendered geld for
one virgate and a half. This can be ploughed by four ploughs. On it Odo has in demesne half a virgate and one plough, and the villeins
have one virgate and one plough. There Odo has four villeins, and three bordars,a nd three serfs, and five head of cattle, and five
acres of meadow, and forty acres of pasture, and it is worth by the year Thirty shillings, and it was worth twenty shillings when Odo
received it.
1243 The prior of Barnstaple and Robert de Horton hold in Wasford and in Westecoth and in Derth 2 fees of the heirs and honour of
1276 Thomas de Horton holds Stretche, Derte, Uppecotte and Westcote for 1 1/8 Knight'
s fee of the prior of B. and the same Prior of
Thos. De Morton and Thos. of the king.
1303 Washford, Stretch, Westcot and Dert held by the Prior and Robert Horton, 2 fees of the honour of Toriton.
1243 Henry de Dune holds ½ fee of the heirs and honour of Toriton.
1276 Thomas de Merton holds Dert Tracy for ¼ fee of the baront of Toriton of the king in chief.
1303 Dert held by Alexander Capellanus ½ fee of the honour of Toriton.
1316 Harl.Ms. 4278 Brit. Mus. Prior of Barum ½ fee Derte of the Honour of Barum. Prior of Barnstaple 1 fee Stregheton of the honour
of Toriton. Robert de Horton 1 fee Westcot of the honour of Toriton. Custodes capelle Burgi et Pontis de Barnstaple ½ fee in Quene Dart
1316 Nomina Villarum. The township of Stodlegh with Warbrighteslegh, Westodlegh, and Derts, John FitzPagan, lord.
1346 The prior of B. and Mabilla de Horton w f. in Wasseford, Strath, Westecote, and Derte held by equal portions of Hon. of Toriton
which same Prior and Rob. De H. formerly held.
1428 Joh. Raynesbury, Joh. Luyt and heirs of Egidius Ayssh 2 f. in Waysfors, Strecche, Westacote and Derte which the prior of Barnstaple
used to hold.
1373 Cal of Close Rolls. Division into four parts of fees etc. of Richard de Merton. Peter de Bratton who formerly held in 1371 same
property held by John de Bratton. 1 Kt's fee in Estderte at 5 marks.
1138-1160 Grant by Henry son of Alwold with the assent of Agnes his daughter and heirs of which we only have in
1359 the inspeximus and confirmation by Richard de Meron of the grant of lands in Witherigge, Washford, Grenadune, Dertra, Uppecote,
Strecchederta, Wodeford, Chatmere, Weie, Batesdune, Beare, Shilvedone, Rouwedon, and Strecheston.
1233 Cat. Of Ancient Deeds. No: 4438. Grant by Richard Strech os Wasford ½ mark renting addition to the ½ mark which he owed before
to the Prior and monks of S.Mary Magdalene of Barnstaple, making 1 mark in all rights of distraint both in the land of Derte and in the
land in Wasford.
Before 1360 Isabella, widow of Symon de Roges kt. And Nicholas Mareys her son of the one part and Wm. Fitzwaryn of Brightlegh and Joanna
his wife. Isabella sister and other heir John de Tracy and Wm. enfeoffed to the said Nicholas rent in the manor of Brendon and in Nottecumb
and Quenedert.
(Pole Deds. D.and C. Rec Soc.)
1359 Dec. 20. Nicholas Mareys took Northcomb and Quene Dart by agreement. (Pole Deeds No: 1760).
1369 Know ye etc. that I John Fitzstephen, kinsman of Henry, s.and h. of Nicholas Mareys have granted to Thomas de Assseton lands and
tenements in Nutcombe, Withyete, Lytelcote, Oves, Studleigh, Furse, Little Whiteford, Owenderte, Grendon, and Twychen. (Pole Deeds, No.
1750). (John was son of Isolda, sister of John de Tracy and Isabella).
1553-4 Church Goods. P.R.O. The free chapel upon the bridge in Barnestable,. Mr Treffry, lands in Fakereneforde (sic) called Forde Downe,
and held by the year for 13/-. Ed. Downey and Hen. Best for the chapel on the bridge 2/-. Jo. Tamner, John Cade holdeth a parcel of land
called Dert Cruse in Witheridge 13/-. Uppington, John Greenslade holdeth there certain lands called Newlands in Witheridge 2/-. John
Squire holdeth land there XII d.Geo. Golworthy, Richard Watt (Wall or Waller) of West Newlands holdeth certain lands there XXd. Richard
Warren holdeth certain lands there, IIII, Geo. Mortimer als Tanner, lease of walled garden. Iid. (The first names being owner, the
second tenant)
Chancery Elizabeth. Page 193,19 (Cc.16) Right of common, Tenement of Westnewland, Dart Cruse in parish of Witheridge and right of common
therof in common called Pillewemore and Rosemore. John Crooke, George Yelworthieals. Hole, Johan Morimer als Tanner. Crooke described as
a troublesome man).
Chancery Elizabeth. Cc.22.9. Claim by deed. Lands in the parish of Witheridge and Rackenford conveyed by John Croke, dec. plaintiff's
father to plaintiff and his brother Nicholas. JohnCroke v. John Nott, High Broughton and Chris. Bushell. (Queen Dart. Wealsdon, Lower
Queen Dart and Howerstone).
Welch deeds. I.e. abstract made by the late H.R. Watkin of ten parchment deeds, the property of Miss E.K Welch, The Quarry, Paignton.
1556 April 25th. MALSDON, Witheridge.
Indenture between John Crooke of Witheridge, yeoman and Richard Cockham, of the same parish, husbandman, the latter bought from the
former for £30 the messuage and dwelling-house, lands, tenements, meadows, etc, known as Malsdon, containing 4 acres or thereabouts.
Signed by the mark of John Croke, witnessed Henry Cruwys.
John Morris, Henry Cockram. Endorsed -
A lease.
1619 Oct 20 MALSDON, Witheridge.
Indenture between Vincent Crooks of Rackenford, Devon, husbandmand of the one part and Robert Bowring, clerke, parson of Rackenford,
John Veysey of Rackenford, yeoman, John Parkhouse the younger son of J.P. the elder of R Weaver and Charity Crooke, daughter of the
said Vincent C. which charity the said John Parkhouse the younger intendeth shortly by God'
s permission to marry and take to wife of the
other part. Wheras John Crooks of Thelbridge, Devon, Gentleman by deed U, May, 14 Jas. 1 (1616) let to Vincent C. the lands, tenements,
meadows, etc. called Malsdon in the parish of Witheridge Devon. Sometime in the tenure of William Ogcobb, and also the dwelling house
etc, excepting the trees for 99 years if Charity Crooke, daughter of Vincent Crooke and William Blackmore son of John Blackmore of
Rackenford so long shall live. To commence immediately on the death or surrender of Johanna Crooke, wife of Vincent. By payment of 12/-.
Now the said Vincent in consideration of the marriage to be etc. has granted to Robert Bowring, John Veysey all the tithe etc. which he
held in trust for the benefit of John Parkhouse the y. and Charity Crooke after their marriage.
Signed by Johan Parkhouse junior, Charity Crooke, per me Robertum Bowring, Johan Eyset, senior.
1619 The same parties. Oct. 20. Assignment by John Parkhouse the elder in consideration of the intended marriage to Robert Bowring
and John Veysey, the miotie or halfendtale of all those clothes etc. under the several names of Derte Downe, alias Dert Cruys, Berrymeade,
Crowhill, Little Malson and Peake together with all the way etc. in the parish of Witheridge, late in the occupation of John Cade.
Reserving a sufficient *.to William Tanner als Mortimer to go, ride, lead, carry, etc, over the north side of a close called Crowehill
to and from the *. of the said William Tanner called Wilchedding. For the use of the said contracting parties, their heirs etc,
Signed:- John x Parkhouse, father, Charity Crooke, per me Robert Bowring, John Veysey.
1636 June 25 MALSDON
Indenture between John Crooke of Witheridge, Devon, gent. Of the one part and John Parkhouse, senior of Rackenford, weaver, and Ellen
his daughter of the other part. The former leased the latter Malsdon in Witheridge now in the occupation of John Parkhouse, and all the
houses etc. except the growing timberpaying 12/-. annually. Signed John Crooke. Signed, sealed and delivered to William Parkhouse to the
use of the within named Ellen Parkhouse in the presence of us, Robert Salsweeke ? Thomas Hill per me Alex. Vicary.
1640 Dec 13. MALSDON
Indenture between John Parkhouse the elder of Rackenford, Devon yeoman of the one part and John Crook Withrudth yeoman of the other. For
£34 and other cuses the former sells to the latter, lands, tenements etc. known as Malsdon, in the parish of Withrudge late in the tenure
of John Parkhouse, for evermore to hold of the chief lord of the fee by the rent and services within mentioned. Clause of warranty.
Previously leased to Johan Crook for her life, and other leases upon the lives of Charity Crook, William Blackmore, John Parkhouse the
elder, John his son and Ellen his daughter. John Parkhouse appointed Richard Cockram of Witheridge and George Cade of the same parish
attorneys. Signed and sealed, the sign of John X Parkhouse. Endorsed by John Greenslade, William Kelland. The sign of (T)Thomas Hodge,
the sign of Richard Cockram. Possession delivered by Richard Cockram and George Cade to John Crooke, 1 Jan 1640.
1652 Feb 1. MALSDON
Indenture between Phillip Skregm of the parish of Beaford, weaver, and John Crooke of Witheridge, yeoman,. John Crooke by will of 4 Dec
1635. Endorsed. Endorsed Malsdon and by John Maunder and Nicholas Crooke.
1654 Sept 20. Dart Down
Indenture between John Crooke of Witheridge, co, Devon, gent. Of the one part and Humphrie Brooke of Cruys Morchard of the other part.
Whereas Nicholas Crooke deceased late grand-father of the said John Crooke being seized of messuages, lands, etc, Dart Cruyse otherwise
Dart Down in the parish of Witheridge by will dated April, 1632. gave the said messuage to the said John Crooke. For £54 the said John
Crooke sold to Humphrie Brooke all the close known as Berry Meadow containing 20 acres, and the south part of another close called Dart
downe or Dart Crusecont, 20 acres which closes are part of the tenement known as Dart Cruyse or Dart downe in the parish of Witheridge.
For 100 years paying yearly to John Crooke or his heirs one penny at Michaelmas if the same by lawfully demanded. Unless the said John
Crooke pay £3. on Sept 29, 1655, 1656, -7, -8, -9, and £57 on Sept 29, 1660 in the house of Humphrie Brooke situated in Cruys Morchard.
Signed by Humphrie Brooke. Endorsed Henry Newte, John Osmond.
1655 May, 4.
Indenture between John Parkhouse of Halberton, c, Devon, husbandman of the one part and Andrew Thomas of Witheridge yeoman, of the other
part. For £140 the former sold to the latter the half of Darte Cruys als Dart Downe Crowehill, Little Malston, and Little Peake in the
parish of Witheridge. Signed and sealed by John Parkhouse. Endorsed by John Were, John Were, Jun, Thos. Were and John Berry, Hugh Thomas,
Dig. Ponsforde, Wmor (Mr) Brooke, Andrew Thomas, John Thomas.
1659 March 1. Indenture between Andrew Thomas of Witheridge, yeoman and Humphrey Brooke of Cruys Morchard, yeoman. For £100 the
former sold to the latter the half of the last named lands to be holden of the high and chief lord or lords of the fee. Signed and sealed
by the said of Andrew (A) Thomas. Endorsed Henry Newte, John Tanner. Mem: on 12 April 1660, Andrew T. delivered to Humphrey B. by the
delivery of a turfe and twigg in the said close called Darte Down there in the name of seisin in the whole. Henry Thomas. John Tanner.
1667 June 10. Indenture between Andrew Thomas of Witheridge, co. Devon, husbandman, Agnes his wife, John Thomas the younger, son of
Andrew, Johane, his wife and Hugh Thomas, son of Andrew of Rackenford, husbandman of the one part, and Humphrey Brooke of Cruwys Morchard,
gent of the other part. For £100 the former sold to the latter Darte Cruys als Darte Down, Crowe Hill, Little Malston and Little Peake
in the parish of Witheridge. Signed and sealed by Andrew Thomas, Agnes Thomas, John Thomas, junior, Johan Thomas. Endorsed by Henry
Newte, John Tanner, no Webber. A release in fee.
1667 June 12. MALSDON
Indenture between Richard Cockram of Witheridge, husbandman, and John Tanner als Mortimer the younger of Creacombe, yeoman. For £55 the
former sold to the latter that messuage known as Malsdon in Witheridge. Signed the sign of Richard Cockram and sealed. Endorsed Henry
Newte, Thos. Webber.
1703 Nov. 6 John Elworthy of Theklbridge, yeoman and Mary his wife by John Tanner of Witheridge, her brother, her inheritance of
CROWDALL left her by her father by will 11 March, 1695, after the death of the said Humphree Tanner and George and John his brothers.
Presumably Humphrey is the name, now illegible of her father. For £110 and guninea gold. The seal shows a bird possibly a peacock.
1766 Feb. 25. A sequestration of S. Decuman's in Bath and Wells addressed to the Rev. Humphrey Tanner, Rector of Sandford Brett and
Samuel Knight, curate of the Old Cleeve.
Chancery Proc. Jas.1. Index Locorum.
Queen Dart and Higher Q.D.Moor and farm. Devon. C.649.
Chanc.Proc.Jas.1 A-K.
Page 169. Jn.Crooke v Peter Comyns, Jn.Comyns, Geo.Mortimer, als Tanner and John Veysey. Part of Blackdon Moor in Qn.Dart and Higher Q.D.
in Witheridge.
Page 181. Jn.Crooke v Phillip Tanner, Peter and Jn.Comyns, Pille als Pillemore in Witheridge leased from the feoffees in trust for
Arthur Hals.
Pilamore is mentiond in Pole deed 3853, D.and.C.R ec.Soc. transcript, along with Bradford Tracy, Pillafenn and other Marchant property.
1682 May 11. Church Rate.
John Parkhouse, junr for doune ls 2d
The occupier of Lower Durt 1s 0d
John Parkhouse senr, for Est Newland 4
Thomas Jyre for West Newland 10
Nicholas Crooke for Higher Durt 9
Humphrey Tanner for moyetie for Dart Cruse 4
The occupier for the moyetie of do 4
John Tristram, gent, for Ford doune and Rose Moor 11
Henry Quicke for Upcott Squire 7
John Mills for Forth doune (perhaps a part of Ford 3½
Down let away to Mills who also had a Middle Hill and Chipwalls near by)
Mary Cockram for Malson 3
John Veysey for West Pilemoore 5
John Tristram fro East Pilemoore 5
John Parkhouse, Sen.for Trucies Green and Durt Close 2
(Interesting that these in-village properties should be together with these suggestive names!)
The small assessment of Malson together with the fact that the Dart Cruse als Dart Downe have come down in the family of the owners of
Malson, suggest that Dart Cruse is now merged with Malson. Down has a separate and comparatively large assessment.
1763 Purchase of Ford Down and Rose Moor by Q.A.B. to be glebe for South Molton from Mrs Elizabeth Bodley.
1833Land Tax Assessment.
Owner Occupier Estate Sum assessed
and exonerated
Clergy of S.Molton Wm.Smale Foredown and Rosemoor £2. 2. 0.
not exonerated.
Thomas Tanner Geo.Davey Berry Mead and Dart Downs 1. 4. 0.
Eliz. Ayre herself Lower Dart 2. 14. 0.
do. do. Piley Moor and Close 1. 8. 0.
do. do. Upcott Squire 1. 10. 0.
Richard Ayre himself Hr. Dart and East Newland 2. 14. 0.
do. do. Pyley Ground 1. 10. 0.
Thos Addicott himself West Newland 1. 16. 0.
Thomas Tanner Geo. Davey Malson 1. 16. 0.
1837 TITHE AWARD acres half-tithe
Sarah Ayre herself Queen Dart 118 7. 2. 1.
do. do. Upcott Squire 56 2. 2. 8.
Richard Ayre himself Hr. Qn. Dart 40 2.15.10.
do. do. Piley Ground 48 1.10. 5.
do. do. East Newland 55 1. 2. 5.
Thos.Addicott himself West Newland 155 4.11. 8.
Rev Thos. Maitland Wm. Smale Ford Down (Rose M) 64 16. 0.
do. do. Ford Down 59 2.10. 6.
Eliz. Tanner and Mrs
Joseph Walsh Geo. Davey Malson 116 4. 1. 3.
ESSEBEARE or ASHBEER now divided into East Essebeare, Newhouse, alias West Essebeare, and Broadridge, and also Grendon and Rowdon.
1086 Odo (son of Gemelin) has a manor called Labera, which Etmar held on the day on which king Edward was alive and dead, and it paid
geld for one virgate. This can be ploughed by half a plough. And Hubert holds it of Odo. There Hubert has a half a plough, and fifteen
sheep, and five goats and four acres of meadow and it is worth by the year three shillings, and it was worth as much when he received it.
1276 The prior of Barnstaple holds Beare, Rouwedon, Grenedon for ¼ knight'
s fee of Thomas de Merton, and Thomas of the King.
1359 and Inspeximus and confirmation by Richard de Merton, Kt. of
1138 -
1160 a decayed charter whereby Henry, son of Alwold his ancestor granted with the consent of Robert b. of Exeter (Rob Chichester,
1138-55 or Warelwast, 1155-60) all his land in *.Grenadune *.Beare *.Rouwedon *.We do not yet know the prefix Esse -
was added but it
would appear to be through its passing into the hands of the Esse family of Rose Ash.
1332 -
3Oliver de Esse paid 2/-. To the Lay Subsidy of that year. This may be because he held Essebeare, or lived there.
1567 (Deed enrolled in Exeter, Tingey'
s Index) No; 794. Confirmation and warranty by John Halse Esq, and Richard, his son, and heir
apparent to Willam Floier, esq, Richard Tothill and Robert Sledd of the manors of Aishbeere Rose Aissh and Iredon etc. in Witheridge etc.
(Mentions many other places) The Halses were one of the four families which inherited the property of Esse of Rose Ash.
1581 Deed No. 1176. Confirmation and warranty by Arthur Halse of Efford, gent, to Richard Bournbury, John Totthill and Thomas Walker
of Exeter of the manor of Ashbeer, Roseashe, and Iredon which he had of the enfeoffment of William Floyer etc.
1716 In an old account book now in Witheridge church safe, which belonged to the Reverend Martin Whight, vicar of Knowstone there are
some loose receipts pinned on to the pages, while one of the pages shows that Mr Francis Cole was tenant of Ash-Beer of which Mr Whight
was owner.
1716 Aug 18. Then received of Mr Francis Cole the sum of twenty-six shillings in full for six years High-rent for East Essebeare in
Witheridge due and ended at Michaelmas last past. 1 say recd. To the use of my Master Andrew Davy Esq, by me James Hunt.
1717 March 27. 4/4 for one year's high rent as before.
1716 Jan 26. A similar receipt of 6d for one year'
s rent to the heirs of the Bassets to their use by me the mark X of William Apelton.
1721 -
1815 Loose Deed in the possession of Mr John Benson is an abstract of title of Sir Thos. Dyke Acland, Bt. To the manor of Essebeare,
land in Knowstone, Witheridge, and East Anstey. First date 21 and 22 April, 1721, last date July 1815.
1719 Feb 29. Marriage settlement of Martin Wight to Mary Mules, land in Witheridge (presumably Essebeare and so endorsed)
1807 Nov 12. Assignment to Richard Melhuish of moiety of Essebeare from Mrs Agnes Lambe and lease from R Melhuish to Wm. Baker,
mentions ownership of Essebeare by Martin Whight. Martin Wight's niece, Susan married Richard Shortrudge and so was the grandmother of
Richard Melhuish. Essebeare remained in the family until 1897 when Mrs de Gex sold it to Mr Shapland who sold it to Mr Francis G. Selley,
who in 1944 sold it to Mr John Benson a descendent of Richard and Susan Shortudge.
The descent of the other moiety of Essebeare, i.e. West Essebeare now always called Newhouse is very well documented in the Cutcliffe
family deeds.
1769 Dec 20. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland to Mr George Luxton Newhouse reputed to be the moiety or halfendeal of Essebeare or Aishbearempart of the manor of
Aishbeare. Refers to surrender by George Luxton of lease granted to John Lyddon late of Dulverton, now deceased by Thomas Troyte and
Dame Cecily his wife. (Is this a copying error?)
1783 March 17. Same Parties. Adding a life. In both these deeds George Luxton is to act as bailiff of the manor of Aishbeare.
1812 March 25. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland to the Rev John Luxton. Release in fee of Newhouse described as above. The schedule refers
to the marriage settlement of Sir Hugh Acland and Cecil Wroth on April 22, 1721. Also deeds of 1750, 1808, 1808, 1808 and 1808.
1836 Will of John L *., clerk. Rest of real estate between his two nieces, Susan, wife of William Francis and Mary, wife of Charles
John Cutliffe, and by a codicil the share of the latter in reversion to her children. Her son bought out the other share Newhouse
remained in his family till sold in 1932 to Messrs. Courtney and Stanley Thorne. On the northern half of Newhouse a new farm has been
erected new called Broadridge where Mr. Courtney Thorne lives.
GRENDON. Note. North Grendon is in Rose Ash parish and South Grendon in Witheridge.
1603 Conveyance in fee of Grindon, William Crooke of Lymehurst, Middlesex to Thomas Melhuish.
1606 Inq.P.M.Thos.Melhuish Messuage, lands etc. in North Grindon. Meare and Rose Ash are held of George Smyth, ht. and of the heirs
of William Denys late of Crely, esq, de. and of Ralph Berry of Westleigh as of their manor of Rose Aishe by annual rent of 1 1b of
pepper and are worth £12. 4. Lands in South Grendon held of the heirs of John Dart, gent by fealty and rent of 20d.
Star Chamber Proc. Phil and Mary Bundle. 1.No 57. Wm Dyngell v John Wise and Wm. Amedas. A farm called Rowdon. Is this our Rowdon?
1812 Release of land. Rowden. Rev. H.H.Tremayne to Mrs S.E.Thomas.
Hill D'
1086 Haimeric (de Arcis) has a manor called Hilla, which Edmar held on the day on which king Edward was alive and dead, and it rendered
geld for one ferling. There Haimeric has half a plough, and one serf, and twenty acres of meadow, and one hundred acres of pasture; and
it is worth by the year forty pence.
The reason for identifying this manor with Hilltown in Witheridge is the field name in the deed of 1295. Reichel's suggeston of Hill in
Cruwys Morchard being inadmissible as Hill was freehold of the manor of Cruwys Morchard and not itself a separate manor.
s holdings included Rovecoma (Ruckham) and Cumba in this hundred, Poltimore in the hundred of Wonford, and East Bradley in
1218-9 Assize Roll. Thomas de Bradeleg who brought an assize of mort d'ancestor against Gilbert de la hull who is now a leper about
one hide of land in Bradeleg has not prosecuted his suit. Therefore in mercy and his sureties namely Robert le Marchant (mercator) and
Roger de Lun.
1228 Sarah who was the wife of Gilbert de la Wille, plaintiff, and Roger de Acaster, tenant, as to 1/6 knight'
s fee in Hulle, Thorncomb
and Bradelegh. Sarah remitted to Roger and his heirs for ever, Roger gives Sarah 40 shillings sterling.
1243 John le Despencer holds in Hille and Throucomb with one ferling of land in Bradelegh which is in the hundred of Tiverton, 1/6
fee of Roger Dacastre and Roger through several middle-lords of the heirs and honour of Toriton.
1243 (Under Wenfort hundred) Poltimore with Hille in Witheridge hundred, 1 fee held by Bartholomew de Pultimor of the honour of Plympton.
Which looks like a sub-infeudation of the holdings in Witheridge hundred, which were afterwards held by the heirs of the honour of Toriton
of the honour of Plympton.
1284-6 Richard de Poltimor holds the vill of Poltimor for homage and service of the heirs of Wm. de Toriton those heirs of the countess
(Albermarle) and king.
1284-6 Robert de Pyrrichworth holds Hille with its members for ¼ fee of Richard de Pultimor, and Richard of the countess, and the countess
of the king.
1284-6 Richard de Estbradel (egh) holds a seventh part of a fee there (i.e.in Estbradelegh) of the heirs of Hille and those heirs of
Richard de Poltingmor etc, as above.
1256 (Devon F. of F.) No.154. Robert de Bradelegh v William de Bradelegh concerning Hulle, Throucomb and Bradelegh. Robert gives
William one sore sparrow-hawk. Robert to hold for one pair of white gloves or one penny at Easter.
1295 Pole Collectanea, Watkin's translationl No;1846. 1295, Sunday after Sept. 7. to all etc. know that, Roger Lovekyn, son of Adam
Everard of Boleworthie, have released etc, to Roger Collyngh son of Richard Colling of Woodeburn, son and heir of Walter de la Hille,
his heirs etc., all my rights etc, in the whole of that land which is called Chirwalle which sometime appertained to the land of Hille.
In witness whereof I have appended my seal. Witnesses:- Roger le Marchant. Robert de Knighteson, Thomas Poleyne, Nicholas le Marchant,
Peter le Baggeston, Richard de Middlecote, Roger Knotta and others. Dated at Hille, Sunday after feast of S Dunstan, (Sept 7)23 Edw.1.
1280 Assize Roll. J.I. 1. 184. Richard Coulyng and Adam son of Richard of Wodeburn contended in the township of Wodeburn and Adam
wounded Richard so that on the third day he died. And he fled at once and is guilty, therefore he is exigent and outlawed. His chattels
are worth 52s 6d. which let the sheriff take * Robert de Wodeburn, William Everard, William Knotte, and Nicholas de Northy falsely
carried away those chattels. So in mercy
1303 Hundred of Wonford, Wm. de Pontyngton holds Poltymore with Hille in the hundred of Wytherugg. 1.f
1303 Robert de Kyneston holds in Hulle, Throucomb and Bradelegh 1/6 f.
1303 Richard de Estbradelegh holds there (scil.in Estbradelegh)1/40 f.
1304 (Lay Sub.Aid.95/3) Rob. de Kyneston holds in Hill et Thoucomb 1/10 f.
But many fees are less assessed in this list than in the 1303 list.
1346 John de Banfeld 1 f. in Poltimor held in honour of Plumpton which William de Podyngton once held.
1346 Robert de Knyztyston 1/10 f. in Hille and Throucomb which Robert Knysteston once held.
1346 John de Bradelegh holds in Estbradelegh 1/14 f. of the hon.of Plympton which Richard de Bradelegh once held.
1373 Cal. Of Close Rolls. Nov 20. Shares of property of Richard de Merton between his four daughters, share of John Baunsile and
Joan his wife includes 1 kt's fee in Polytmor, Hillakastel and Estbradelegh formerly held by John Baunsild at 9 marks.
1377 Inq.P.M on Hugh Courtenay. Heirs of Richard Merton hold Pultemor and Hull for 1 fee.
1422 Inq. P.M. on Hugh Courtenay, Poltymore with Hull in the hundred of Wyderigg
1636 Exeter City Lib.Deed No. 1580. Exemplication of recovery, Hil 11 Chas.- 1. roll. 10.whereof Hugh Veysey and Alexander Bidgood
recovered against Humphrey Kelland, gent, the manor of Hilldancaster and 16 messuages, 20 gardens, 100 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow,
100 acres of pasture, 200 acres of furze 26/8 rent in Tydderson, East Mogford, Jurdan Parke, Westmogford, Middelcote, borough of Rackenford,
Hilldancaster, Middlehills, Forsedoune, Bulworthy More, Easthorehill, Northhorehill, le Gratton, Chipwell meadow in Rackenford, Witheridge
and Crusemorchard, and also half of two messuages etc. in Higher Thorne, Lower Thorne and Rackenford. Endorsed, Recovery by Kelland
(sic) in 11 years of King Charles the first. Latin.
1682 Church Rate. John Mills for Northerhill 11d
John Mills for Shipwalls 3d
The occupier of Horehill 2d
Humphrey Tanner for Middlehill 11d
Robert Tanner for Higher Hill 11d
John Mills for Middle Hill 5½
John Mills for Forth doune 3½
John Mills for Chipwalls 2d
The occupier of East Horehill 1d
1750 Melhuish doc. Bundle B.No.28 Hilltown:- Mr Crossing to Mr Melhuish, mentions:- Middlehill, 80 ac. Inpossession of Jn. Matthews,
butcher of Rackenford, under tenant of Jn. Crossing; Overhill 100 ac. In possession of John Rowe as undertenant etc., and 5/10 rent in
Lower Hill in possession of John Denham.
1760 Melhuish doc. Bundle N.26.B. remainder of lease for 500 years. Middlehill. Jas.Crossing and Trustees to William Melhuish.
1763 Settlement Thomas Melhuish and Susannah Elizabeth his wife, including Middle Hill and Higher Hill.
1794 Will of Thomas Melhuish refers to Hill tenement.
1833 Land Tax Owner Occupier
Higher Hilltown Rev.W.P.Thomas Wm. Smale £2 8 0
Middle Hilltown do do £2 8 0
Lower Hilltown Sir. Jas. Colleton bart. himself £5 4 0
Horehill Wm.Cockram himself 6 0
Hilltown Rev.W.P.Thomas Wm.Smale 166 ac.
Colleton Hill Farm Sir J.Colleton himself 397 ac.
Horehill Wm.Cockram himself 23 ac.
The house built by the Colletons on Lower Hill is commonly called Colleton Hall or Hill. Elworthy, 86 ac. owned in 1836 by George Cornall,
and Witheridge Moor, 286 ac. owned in 1836 by the Hon. Newton Fellowes have since been added to the Colleton Hall estate.
1939: On the death of Mr. T.W.Charlton who had bought the Colleton property some forty years earlier, it was again sold and was bought
by Sir John Amory, Bart.