John Anstey - Carpenter
Samuel Anstey - Boot and Shoe Maker
Babb and Drake - Milliners
Thomas Beck - Tailor
Rev J P Benson MA, South Molton - Magistrate
Rev J P Benson MA - Vicar
Jas Blackmore - Boot and Shoe Maker
Edward Bodley - Wheelwright
William Bodley - Witheridge Mill - Miller
John Brawn - Angel Inn - Inn Keeper and Carpenter
James Brown - Baker
Henry Burgess - Baker
William Burgess - High Constable
Ann Churchill - Straw Hat Maker
Richard Churchill -
Richard Churchill - Bell Inn - Inn Keeper
John Cockram - Carpenter
Wm Cockram - Carpenter
Robert Joseph Coster - Surgeons
Thomas Melhuish Comins - Solicitor, Clerk to Tax Commissioners, West of England
William Comins - Solicitor, Clerk to Magistrates, Master Ex in Chancery
Andrew Comins -
Mary Comins - Lawn Cottage - Grocer and Draper
Richard Comins esq - Stourton Cottage - Grocer and Draper
Thomas Comins - Parish Clerk and Schoolmaster
Thomas Melhuish Comins -
Mr T M Commins - Steward to the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster
Wm Comner - Tailor
Wm Crook - Boot and Shoe Maker
William Crook - Bradford Mill - Miller
William Crook - Thatcher
Mr W Croote - Steward to the Court Leet and Baron
Hy Davey - Glazier and Timber Merchant
John Dinner -
Joseph Dinner - Wheelwright
Wm Easterbrook -
Wm Ford - Cooper
Hugh Foxford - Black Dog Inn - Inn Keeper
Samuel Foxford - Hare and Hounds Inn - Inn Keeper
Hugh Foxford - Tailor
John Gardner - Tailor
George Gratton - Blacksmith
Jno Greenslade -
Philip Furneaux Haley - Surgeon
Robert Hooper - Mason
Wm Manning - Boot and Shoe Maker
Jno Middleton - Butcher
Richard Mitchell -
John Moore - Blacksmith
Wm Moss - Carpenter
Joseph Nichols - Boot and Shoe Maker
Rev Wm O'Neil - Independent Minister
John Parson -
George Phillips - Drayford Mill - Miller
Henry Pullen - Grocer and Draper
Henry Pullen - Stamp Distributor
Henry Pullen - Agent Norwich Union - Insurance
Henry Pullen - Draper
Henry Pullen -
William Rippin - Commercial Inn - Inn Keeper
John Selley -
John Sowdon - Tailor
Wm Symons - Independent Schoolmaster
Wm Tapp - Carpenter
William Thorne -
Joseph Tucker - Tailor
John Turner - Machine Maker
James Vaughan - Masons
James Wey - Boot and Shoe Maker
Misses Western -
Thos Western - Masons
Thomas Western -
Thomas Western -
George Wreford - Butcher
Post Office at Elizabeth Bowden's Letters despatched via Tiverton
Coach to South Molton, 12 noon, and to Tiverton 2.5 after.
Carrier John Southcott, to Exeter Thursday night and to Tiverton on Tuesday morning
A Court Leet and Baron is held yearly at the Angel Inn, as is the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster.